Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Background of GPS

GPS or Global Positioning System was developed by the United States Department of Defense in 1973. The system is based on 24 satellites that orbit the earth and send microwave signals to GPS enabled devices, marking the exact latitudinal and longitudinal location. GPS was originally designed to enable soldiers and military vehicles, planes, and ships in accurately determining their locations in unknown locations world-wide.

However, given the wide array of application that GPS can be used in, the United States made this technology available for commercial and scientific use in the 1980s. This technology is available free of cost, without need for any registration. All that is required is a GPS enabled device.

This technology has been used very successfully by the scientific community. It has been used to create GPS Maps, Topographic Maps or contour maps, Aerial maps, in hydrography which is the science of ‘sea geography’ and in a number of navigational purposes in everyday life.